Original title: Putin isolated himself after contacting infected people, died of illness in the United States or exceeded 1918 pandemic influenza within two weeks | international epidemic observation (September 15)

Source: Vision China
(this article is continuously updated. The time shown at the beginning of the middle section is the update time of this article.)
0800 [more than 225 million confirmed cases worldwide]
According to John & middot; Novel coronavirus pneumonia cases were diagnosed in 225725790 cases in Beijing, and 4647639 cases died in forenoon at 8 a.m. in September 15th at Hopki University.

0836 [who: the number of new cases in the world dropped sharply last week, with the largest number reported in the United States, Britain, India and Iraq]
Last week, novel coronavirus pneumonia cases were newly reported in the world, nearly 4 million cases, which were 13% lower than the previous week, and the number of new cases in the world has dropped for the first time in more than two months. The number of new deaths exceeded 62000 and also decreased, with the largest decline in new deaths in Southeast Asia. The five countries that reported the most cases last week were the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Iran and Turkey.
North America
0800 [the death toll of the new crown in the United States may exceed the number of 1918 pandemic influenza in two weeks]
About 675000 Americans died in the 1918 pandemic. And Johns & middot; Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been reported to be the death rate of 662 thousand Americans to date, according to data from Hopki University. On average, more than 1000 Americans die from COVID-19 every day.
0800 [UK: if the epidemic creates unsustainable pressure, England will implement & ldquo; Plan B & rdquo; in winter]
British health secretary Javed said that as a response to the new crown pandemic & quot; Plan B & quot; Mandatory masks, vaccine certificates and orders to work from home may be restored this winter. The British government also announced that it would provide new coronal vaccine to about 30 million people from next week; Reinforcing Needle & rdquo;, The third dose of vaccine.
0800 Putin will be self isolating due to contact with COVID-19.
Putin said that a few days ago, many of his entourage were diagnosed with the new crown, and one of them had direct contact with it. Putin said: & ldquo; The man's antibody titer has dropped and it took him too long to get vaccinated again. I've been talking to him all day. I've been very close to him all day& rdquo;
The Kremlin information bureau announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin will participate in the summit of the central security organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the form of video conference due to the need for self isolation.
0800 novel coronavirus pneumonia cases were reported in Japan, 6227 cases, 2106 cases increased compared with the previous day, of which 1004 cases were new in Tokyo.
0800 [more than 10000 new confirmed cases in Israel, health officials: the downward trend of infection rate has stalled]
Novel coronavirus pneumonia confirmed in 10556 cases in the past 24 hours, which has increased by nearly 3000 cases compared with the previous day. There were 690 severe patients, a decrease of 20 over the same period last week. The positive rate of COVID-19 detection rose to 5.9%, the previous day was 5.24%. The virus infection coefficient was still 1.01.
0800 [tandesay: more than 5.7 billion doses of new crown vaccine have been vaccinated worldwide, of which only 2% are vaccinated in Africa]
Who hopes that all countries in the world can vaccinate at least 40% of the population by the end of this year, but only two African countries have achieved this goal, which is the lowest in all regions.
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