Original title: the average number of newly confirmed cases in the United States has exceeded 100000, and there is a younger trend
According to Singapore United morning post, 12, the United States COVID-19 rebounded overall, the average number of new confirmed cases in the past seven days increased two months after another, 100 thousand cases were broken, and the number of hospitalized and death increased sharply.
New crown diagnoses and deaths in the United States have increased in recent weeks. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that in the seven days ended December 8, the number of confirmed cases in the country increased by over 118500, an increase of 37.3% over the previous week; in the same week, the number of deaths increased by 1000, an increase of 27.8% over the previous week. According to the data of the U.S. Department of health and human services, the hospitalization rate of the new crown in the United States increased by 40% over the previous month. In addition, omic has appeared in 25 states so far In the case of Rong virus infection, the road of anti epidemic adds variables.
The medical system is overburdened, and the death cases tend to be younger
According to CNN (CNN) 10, a nurse in Lansing Sparro hospital in Michigan said that COVID-19 had never thought that COVID-19 would be so bad. The number of people hospitalized in Michigan Prefecture was more than ever before. According to the state health and Hospital Association, the rate of hospitalization has soared by 88% in the past month, including breathing machines. Medical supplies are once again in short supply.
Huttle, Minister of health and human services of Michigan, said at a press conference on the 10th that the intensive care unit in the state has been saturated, and the state government applied to the federal government for emergency medical supplies such as ventilator. The long-term trend predicts that the now extremely tight medical system will & ldquo; On the verge of collapse & rdquo;.
The medical staff also pointed out that the new crown patients who died have a younger trend. Nurse Sefton said that among the new cases, she noticed a disturbing trend that many were young people. Phil Porter, a doctor at San Juan local medical center, revealed that many of the new crown patients who died were men in their thirties to forties, and most of them were not vaccinated& ldquo; You can see that the ward is immediately filled, and you can't stop for a moment to adjust to the loss of these patients & hellip& hellip; I think that's why half the staff left& rdquo;
The epidemic situation is severe and the vaccination rate is low
Not only is Michigan facing the cold winter brought by COVID-19, CNN said. According to the U.S. Department of health and human services, the number of new crown hospitalizations across the United States has increased by 40% compared with a month ago. Especially in southern states, the cold weather after winter drives people to move indoors, making the virus easier to spread.
After the holiday, the number of new diagnoses and hospitalizations in New York increased by 43% and 29% respectively.
Sparrow health system, a comprehensive health care organization in Michigan, revealed that 75% of the deaths were not vaccinated with the new crown vaccine. Although some of the dead have been vaccinated, they have been vaccinated for more than half a year.
Connecticut Health officials said recently that the risk of infection with the new crown of unvaccinated people is five times higher than that of vaccinated people, the risk of hospitalization is 12 times, and the risk of death is 16 times.
Experts have repeatedly stressed that the best way to fight the new crown is to vaccinate and strengthen the needle. 64.3% of the eligible population in the United States have completed vaccination, and less than one third have been vaccinated with booster needles.
Jim middot, President and CEO of sparrow health system; Dover pointed out that the next few weeks may be difficult, and now the hospital is overloaded. However, according to the current growth rate, it is expected that 200 inpatients will be added every day by the end of the month, which means & ldquo; It will definitely push us to the brink of collapse;.
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