Original title: it's coming! It has a significant impact on the energy supply of the United States! 95% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico has been suspended & hellip;
On August 29 local time, hurricane & ldquo; Ida & rdquo; After crossing the Gulf of Mexico, it moved to New Orleans and had a significant impact on the energy supply of the United States. Regulators say more than 95% of oil production facilities near the Gulf of Mexico have been closed. At the same time, the Colonel pipeline, a large U.S. oil pipeline operator, closed two fuel pipelines between Houston, Texas and Greensboro, North Carolina.

According to the analysis, hurricane & ldquo; Ida & rdquo; The landing location for the oil industry is & ldquo; Worst & rdquo; One of the locations, the total daily oil refining volume of six refineries closed in New Orleans accounts for about 9% of the total daily oil refining volume in the United States. In addition, three refineries in the nearby Baton Rouge area were affected by Hurricane & ldquo; Ida & rdquo; The impact on the operation level has decreased. The total daily refining volume of these three refineries accounts for about 3.5% of the total daily refining volume of the United States.
Hurricane & ldquo; Ida & rdquo; It also affected the main transportation pipeline for fuel from the Gulf coast to the East Coast market. The two fuel pipelines closed by corona pipeline transportation company are 8851 kilometers long, providing nearly half of the gasoline and diesel consumption for the east coast of the United States. It is one of the most important energy infrastructure in the United States.
主營業(yè)務(wù):Hurricane IDA