Original title: & ldquo; Northernmost island & rdquo; 60 meters long and 30 meters wide scientists: disappear when a new storm strikes
Six Danish researchers accidentally discovered what is believed to be the earth & ldquo; Northernmost & rdquo; The island is more than 700 kilometers away from the Arctic.
According to Agence France Presse on August 28, six researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark accidentally set foot on the pocket island in July this year. They originally planned to go to odak island to collect samples. After the island was discovered in 1978, it was considered by some scholars to be the earth & ldquo; The northernmost island & rdquo;. Morten & middot, scientific leader of Greenland Arctic station at the University of Copenhagen; Lashi said that due to navigation errors, they landed on a small piece of land 780 meters north of odak island by helicopter, regarded it as odak Island, and later found that it was & ldquo; A new island farther north;.

Source: visual China.
Danish geodynamics expert Rene middot; Fosbel said that this newly discovered land about 60 meters long and 30 meters wide can be called an island, & ldquo; It is currently the northernmost land in the world;.
No one knows how long it will last. Rasch said it could be a & ldquo; Short lived Island & rdquo;, Disappeared when a new storm hit. Researchers consider using Greenland Language & ldquo; Northernmost island & rdquo; Name it.
The islands discovered this time are more than those found by the Danish investigation team in 1978; Northernmost island & rdquo; About 780 meters to the northwest. Christian middot, a Swiss entrepreneur who sponsored the scientific research; Lester said, & ldquo; Everyone is happy & hellip& hellip; It's a bit like those explorers in the past. They went to a place themselves, but in fact it was a completely different place& rdquo; It is reported that many scientific research teams have tried to find the world's northernmost island in the region. The latest update is 2007 Arctic explorer Dennis & middot; Schmidt found & ldquo; 83-42” Island.
The newly discovered island is about 30 meters in diameter and 3 meters high. It is mainly composed of seabed mud and glacial sediments. Scientists believe that although Greenland's ice sheet is shrinking under the influence of global warming, the emergence of this island is not a direct consequence of global warming.
Morten & middot; Rush told the BBC: & ldquo; The island was discovered during a visit organized by Denmark and Switzerland, which I was coordinating at that time& rdquo;
Rasch said that the team of scientists originally wanted to collect samples from oodaq Island, which was previously regarded as the northernmost island in the world. But when they tried to find the location of the island by helicopter, they found that they could not find it on the map.
A few minutes later, the team of scientists landed on a strange pile of mud, moraine and gravel without vegetation, surrounded by sea ice.
Rasch said that after exploration and many discussions with experts, we now realize that we actually accidentally found the northernmost island in the world.
According to the guardian, in recent decades, several American investigation teams have been looking for the northernmost island in the world. In 2007, Dennis & middot, a senior person in the Arctic; Schmidt found a similar Island nearby.
Although global warming has led to the melting of Greenland's ice sheet in recent years, scientists believe that the exposure of the newly discovered island from ice floes does not indicate that it is a direct consequence of global warming.
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