Original title: a gas explosion in a residential building in Moscow, Russia, has killed five people
(observer network news) Russian satellite news agency reported on September 9: the Moscow State General Administration of the Russian Ministry of emergency situations announced that the remains of the fifth victim in the explosion of a house in novinsk, the state, were found in the ruins.
On the morning of September 8 local time, a gas explosion occurred in a residential building in novinsk, Moscow. According to preliminary news, the second and third floors collapsed, part of the fourth floor collapsed, and more than 170 people were evacuated urgently. Earlier, the Moscow State Administration of the Russian Ministry of emergency situations said that the accident killed 4 people and injured 19. The debris clearing at the site of the collapse of the structure is still continuing and may continue until the morning of September 9.
The picture is from the Russian Ministry of emergency situations.
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